Problém osmi dam je šachový kombinatorický problém (uveřejněn 1848), jehož cílem je umístit 8 dam na šachovnici takovým způsobem, aby se navzájem neohrožovaly. Zobecněním tohoto problému je problém dam (uveřejněn 1850), jehož cílem je rozmístit dam na šachovnici velikosti .
Řešení za pomoci backtrackingu
Problém osmi je klasickou algoritmickou úlohou, na níž se ukazuje technika backtrackingu. V backtrackingu se prochází stavový prostor do hloubky takovým způsobem, že si algoritmus pamatuje všechna dosud učiněná rozhodnutí a v případě, že se ukáže, že daná cesta nevede k výsledku, tak se program vrátí na místo posledního rozhodnutí a změní ho. Tímto způsobem se vyloučí značné množství potenciálních řešení, které by musel projít algoritmus řešící problém hrubou silou.
Počet řešení problému
N | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 |
Počet | 1 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 10 | 4 | 40 | 92 | 352 | 724 | 2680 | 14200 | 73712 | 365596 |
/** * Problem n dam * @author Pavel Micka */ public class QueensProblem { private int solutionsCount = 0; /** * Vyresi a vypise na konzoli reseni problemu n dam * @param size velikost problemu */ public void solve(int size) { boolean[][] array = new boolean[size][size]; solveQueensProblem(array, 0, 0, true, 0); solveQueensProblem(array, 0, 0, false, 0); } /** * Resi problem n dam * @param array pole * @param x souradnice x, kam se ma vlozit dalsi (tato) dama * @param y souradnice y, kam se ma vlozit dalsi (tato) dama * @param set zda-li se ma dama vlozit @true - ano, @false - ne * @param queensCount kolik dam je jiz v poli vlozeno */ private void solveQueensProblem(boolean[][] array, int x, int y, boolean set, int queensCount) { array[y][x] = set; if (set && !checkConsistency(array, x, y)) { return; } if (set) { queensCount++; } if (queensCount == array.length) { solutionsCount++; printArray(array); return; //reseni nalezeno } x = x + 1;//zvysime x int overflow = x == array[y].length ? 1 : 0; if (overflow == 1) {//pokud x preteklo x = 0; //snizime ho na 0 y += 1; //zvysime y } if (y >= array.length) { return; //konec ulohy, prosli jsme stavovy prostor } //ucinime obe rozhodnuti solveQueensProblem(array, x, y, true, queensCount); solveQueensProblem(array, x, y, false, queensCount); } /** * Provede kontrolu ohrozeni damy na diagonalach, vodorovne a svisle ose * @param array pole dam * @param x kam bude nova dama vlozena na ose x * @param y kam bude nova dama vlozena na ose y * @return */ private boolean checkConsistency(boolean[][] array, int x, int y) { //vodorovne for (int i = 0; i < array[y].length; i++) { if (i != x && array[y][i] == true) { return false; } } //svisle for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { if (i != y && array[i][x] == true) { return false; } } //diagonala leva dolni, prava horni int i = 1; //vpravo nahoru while (x + i < array[y].length && y - i >= 0) { if (array[y - i][x + i]) { return false; } i++; } i = 1; //vlevo dolu while (x - i >= 0 && y + i < array.length) { if (array[y + i][x - i]) { return false; } i++; } //diagonala leva horni, prava dolni i = 1; //vlevo nahoru while (x - i >= 0 && y - i >= 0) { if (array[y - i][x - i]) { return false; } i++; } i = 1; //vpravo dolu while (x + i < array[y].length && y + i < array.length) { if (array[y + i][x + i]) { return false; } i++; } return true; } /** * Vypise pole dam * @param array pole */ private void printArray(boolean[][] array) { System.out.println("Reseni #" + solutionsCount); for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { System.out.print("\\n|"); for (int j = 0; j < array[i].length; j++) { if (array[i][j]) { System.out.print("Q|"); } else { System.out.print(" |"); } } } System.out.println("\\n---------------------"); } /** * @return the solutionsCount */ public int getSolutionsCount() { return solutionsCount; } }
/** * Problem n dam * @author Michal Orsel * @author Pavel Micka * Upravil a prepsal do C Michal Orsel * * Under BSD license ( */ #include <stdio.h> /** * Resi problem n dam * @param a sachovnice * @param x souradnice x, kam se ma vlozit dalsi (tato) dama * @param y souradnice y, kam se ma vlozit dalsi (tato) dama * @param set zda-li se ma dama vlozit 1 - ano, 0 - ne * @param queensCount kolik dam je jiz v poli vlozeno * @param solutionsCount pocet reseni * @return */ int solveQueensProblem(char * a, int x, int y, int set, int queensCount, int size, int * solutionsCount) { a[y*size+x] = set; if(set && !checkConsistency(a, x, y, size)) return 0; if(set) queensCount++; if(queensCount == size) { (*solutionsCount)++; return 1; //reseni nalezeno } x++; if(x >= size) //pokud x preteklo { x = 0; //snizime ho na 0 y++; //zvysime y } if(y >= size) return 1; //konec ulohy, prosli jsme sachovnici //ucinime obe rozhodnuti solveQueensProblem(a, x, y, 1, queensCount, size, solutionsCount); solveQueensProblem(a, x, y, 0, queensCount, size, solutionsCount); return 1; } /** * Provede kontrolu ohrozeni damy na diagonalach, vodorovne a svisle ose * @param a sachovnice * @param x kam bude nova dama vlozena na ose x * @param y kam bude nova dama vlozena na ose y * @return */ int checkConsistency(char * a, int x, int y, int size) { //vodorovne x int i; for(i = 0; i < size; i++) // mozno otocit na for(i = size-1; i >= 0; i--) { if(i != x && a[y*size+i] == 1) return 0; } //svisle for(i = 0; i < size; i++) { if(i != y && a[i*size+x] == 1) return 0; } //diagonala leva dolni, prava horni i = 1; //vpravo nahoru while(x + i < size && y - i >= 0) { if(a[(y - i)*size+(x + i)]) return 0; i++; } i = 1; //vlevo dolu while(x - i >= 0 && y + i < size) { if(a[(y + i)*size+(x - i)]) return 0; i++; } //diagonala leva horni, prava dolni i = 1; //vlevo nahoru while(x - i >= 0 && y - i >= 0) { if(a[(y - i)*size+(x - i)]) return 0; i++; } i = 1; //vpravo dolu while(x + i < size && y + i < size) { if(a[(y + i)*size+(x + i)]) return 0; i++; } return 1; } int main() { #define SIZE 8 int solutionsCount = 0; char a[SIZE*SIZE] = {0}; solveQueensProblem(a, 0, 0, 1, 0, SIZE, &solutionsCount); solveQueensProblem(a, 0, 0, 0, 0, SIZE, &solutionsCount); printf("Existuje %d variant umisteni %d dam na sachovnici %dx%d takovym zpusobem, aby se navzajem neohrozovaly.\\n", solutionsCount, SIZE, SIZE, SIZE); system("pause"); return 0; }
/** * Problem n dam * @author Pavel Micka */ class QueensProblem { private: int solutionsCount; /** * Resi problem n dam * @param array pole * @param x souradnice x, kam se ma vlozit dalsi (tato) dama * @param y souradnice y, kam se ma vlozit dalsi (tato) dama * @param set zda-li se ma dama vlozit @true - ano, @false - ne * @param queensCount kolik dam je jiz v poli vlozeno */ void solveQueensProblem(bool ** a, int x, int y, bool set, int queensCount, int size) { a[y][x] = set; if (set && !checkConsistency(a, x, y, size)) { return; } if (set) { queensCount++; } if (queensCount == size) { solutionsCount++; printArray(a, size); return; //reseni nalezeno } x = x + 1;//zvysime x int overflow = x == size ? 1 : 0; if (overflow == 1) {//pokud x preteklo x = 0; //snizime ho na 0 y += 1; //zvysime y } if (y >= size) { return; //konec ulohy, prosli jsme stavovy prostor } //ucinime obe rozhodnuti solveQueensProblem(a, x, y, true, queensCount, size); solveQueensProblem(a, x, y, false, queensCount, size); } /** * Provede kontrolu ohrozeni damy na diagonalach, vodorovne a svisle ose * @param array pole dam * @param x kam bude nova dama vlozena na ose x * @param y kam bude nova dama vlozena na ose y * @return */ bool checkConsistency(bool ** a, int x, int y, int size) { //vodorovne for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (i != x && a[y][i] == true) { return false; } } //svisle for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (i != y && a[i][x] == true) { return false; } } //diagonala leva dolni, prava horni int j = 1; //vpravo nahoru while (x + j < size && y - j >= 0) { if (a[y - j][x + j]) { return false; } j++; } j = 1; //vlevo dolu while (x - j >= 0 && y + j < size) { if (a[y + j][x - j]) { return false; } j++; } //diagonala leva horni, prava dolni j = 1; //vlevo nahoru while (x - j >= 0 && y - j >= 0) { if (a[y - j][x - j]) { return false; } j++; } j = 1; //vpravo dolu while (x + j < size && y + j < size) { if (a[y + j][x + j]) { return false; } j++; } return true; } /** * Vypise pole dam * @param array pole */ void printArray(bool ** a, int size) { cout << "Reseni #" << this->solutionsCount; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { cout << "\\n" << "|"; for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) { if (a[i][j]) { cout << "Q|"; } else { cout << " |"; } } } cout << "\\n" << "---------------------\\n"; } public: QueensProblem(){ this->solutionsCount = 0; } /** * Vyresi a vypise na konzoli reseni problemu n dam * @param size velikost problemu */ void solve(int size) { bool ** a = new bool*[size]; for(int j = 0; j < size; j++){ a[j] = new bool[size]; for(int k = 0; k < size; k++){ a[j][k] = false; } } solveQueensProblem(a, 0, 0, true, 0, size); solveQueensProblem(a, 0, 0, false, 0, size); for(int i = 0; i < size; i ++) delete[] a[i]; delete[] a; } /** * @return the solutionsCount */ int getSolutionsCount() { return solutionsCount; } };
; Autor: Michal Orsel ; Under BSD license ( bits 32 section .data section .text global solveQueensProblem global checkConsistency ; int solveQueensProblem(char * a, int x, int y, int set, int queensCount, int size, int * solutionsCount) solveQueensProblem: enter 0, 0 push esi push edi push ebx push ecx ; parametry ;[ ebp + 8 ] ; char * a ;[ ebp + 12 ] ; int x, ;[ ebp + 16 ] ; int y, ;[ ebp + 20 ] ; int set, ;[ ebp + 24 ] ; int queensCount, ;[ ebp + 28 ] ; int size, ;[ ebp + 32 ] ; int * solutionsCount ; a[y * size + x] = set mov edx, 0 ; priprava mov eax, [ ebp + 16 ] ; y mul dword [ ebp + 28 ] ; y * size add eax, [ ebp + 12 ] ; (y * size) + x mov esi, [ ebp + 8 ] ; a mov edx, [ ebp + 20 ] ; set mov byte [ esi + eax ], dl ; a[y * size + x] = set ; if(set && !checkConsistency(a, x, y, size)) return 0 cmp dword [ ebp + 20 ], 0 je .n_if_1 ; volani checkConsistency(a, x, y, size) push dword [ ebp + 28 ] ; size push dword [ ebp + 16 ] ; y push dword [ ebp + 12 ] ; x push dword [ ebp + 8 ] ; a call checkConsistency add esp, 16 cmp eax, 0 jne .n_if_1 ; return 0 mov eax, 0 jmp .return .n_if_1: ; if(set) queensCount++; cmp dword [ ebp + 20 ], 0 je .n_if_2 inc dword [ ebp + 24 ] .n_if_2: ; if(queensCount == size) mov esi, [ ebp + 28 ] ; size cmp dword [ ebp + 24 ], esi jne .n_if_3 mov esi, [ ebp + 32 ] ; *solutionsCount inc dword [ esi ] ; (*solutionsCount)++; ; return 1 mov eax, 1 jmp .return .n_if_3: inc dword [ ebp + 12 ] ; x++ ; if(x >= size) mov esi, [ ebp + 28 ] ; size cmp dword [ ebp + 12 ], esi jl .n_if_4 mov dword [ ebp + 12 ], 0 ; x = 0 inc dword [ ebp + 16 ] ; y++ .n_if_4: ; if(y >= size) mov esi, [ ebp + 28 ] ; size cmp dword [ ebp + 16 ], esi jl .n_if_5 ; return 1 mov eax, 1 jmp .return .n_if_5: ; volani solveQueensProblem(a, x, y, 1, queensCount, size, solutionsCount) push dword [ ebp + 32 ] ; solutionsCount push dword [ ebp + 28 ] ; size push dword [ ebp + 24 ] ; queensCount push dword 1 ; 1 push dword [ ebp + 16 ] ; y push dword [ ebp + 12 ] ; x push dword [ ebp + 8 ] ; a call solveQueensProblem add esp, 28 ; volani solveQueensProblem(a, x, y, 0, queensCount, size, solutionsCount) push dword [ ebp + 32 ] ; solutionsCount push dword [ ebp + 28 ] ; size push dword [ ebp + 24 ] ; queensCount push dword 0 ; 0 push dword [ ebp + 16 ] ; y push dword [ ebp + 12 ] ; x push dword [ ebp + 8 ] ; a call solveQueensProblem add esp, 28 ; return 1 mov eax, 1 .return: pop ecx pop ebx pop edi pop esi leave ret ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; int checkConsistency(char * a, int x, int y, int size) checkConsistency: enter 0, 0 push ecx push esi push edx ; parametry ;[ ebp + 8 ] ; char * a ;[ ebp + 12 ] ; int x, ;[ ebp + 16 ] ; int y, ;[ ebp + 20 ] ; int size ; for(i = 0; i < size; i++) mov ecx, 0 .for_1: cmp ecx, dword [ ebp + 20 ] jge .n_for_1 ; if(i != x && a[y * size + i] == 1) return 0 cmp ecx, dword [ ebp + 12 ] je .n_if_1 mov edx, 0 ; priprava mov eax, [ ebp + 16 ] ; y mul dword [ ebp + 20 ] ; y * size add eax, ecx ; (y * size) + i mov esi, [ ebp + 8 ] ; a cmp byte [esi + eax ], byte 1 jne .n_if_1 mov eax, 0 ; return 0 jmp .return .n_if_1: inc ecx ; i++ jmp .for_1 .n_for_1: ; for(i = 0; i < size; i++) mov ecx, 0 .for_2: cmp ecx, dword [ ebp + 20 ] jge .n_for_2 ; if(i != y && a[i * size + x] == 1) return 0 cmp ecx, dword [ ebp + 16 ] je .n_if_2 mov edx, 0 ; priprava mov eax, ecx ; i mul dword [ ebp + 20 ] ; i * size add eax, [ ebp + 12 ] ; (i * size) + x mov esi, [ ebp + 8 ] ; a cmp byte [esi + eax ], byte 1 jne .n_if_2 ; return 0 mov eax, 0 jmp .return .n_if_2: inc ecx ; i++ jmp .for_2 .n_for_2: mov ecx, 1 ; i = 1 ; while(x + i < size && y - i >= 0) .while_1: mov eax, dword [ ebp + 12 ] ; x add eax, ecx ; x + i cmp eax, [ ebp + 20 ] jge .n_while_1 mov eax, [ ebp + 16 ] ; y sub eax, ecx ; y - i cmp eax, 0 jl .n_while_1 ; if(a[(y - i) * size + (x + i)]) mov eax, dword [ ebp + 16 ] ; y sub eax, ecx ; y - i mul dword [ ebp + 20 ] ; (y - i) * size add eax, dword [ ebp + 12 ] ; (y - i) * size + x add eax, ecx ; (y - i) * size + x + i mov esi, [ ebp + 8 ] ; a cmp byte [esi + eax ], byte 0 je .n_if_3 ; return 0 mov eax, 0 jmp .return .n_if_3: inc ecx ; i++ jmp .while_1 .n_while_1: mov ecx, 1 ; i = 1 ; while(x - i >= 0 && y + i < size) .while_2: mov eax, dword [ ebp + 12 ] ; x sub eax, ecx ; x - i cmp eax, 0 jl .n_while_2 mov eax, dword [ ebp + 16 ] ; y add eax, ecx ; y + i cmp eax, dword [ ebp + 20 ] jge .n_while_2 ; if(a[(y + i) * size + (x - i)]) mov eax, dword [ ebp + 16 ] ; y add eax, ecx ; y + i mul dword [ ebp + 20 ] ; (y + i) * size add eax, dword [ ebp + 12 ] ; (y + i) * size + x sub eax, ecx ; (y + i) * size + x - i mov esi, [ ebp + 8 ] ; a cmp byte [esi + eax ], byte 0 je .n_if_4 ; return 0 mov eax, 0 jmp .return .n_if_4: inc ecx ; i++ jmp .while_2 .n_while_2: mov ecx, 1 ; i = 1 ; while(x - i >= 0 && y - i >= 0) .while_3: mov eax, dword [ ebp + 12 ] ; x sub eax, ecx ; x - i cmp eax, 0 jl .n_while_3 mov eax, dword [ ebp + 16 ] ; y sub eax, ecx ; y - i cmp eax, 0 jl .n_while_3 ; if(a[(y - i) * size + (x - i)]) mov eax, dword [ ebp + 16 ] ; y sub eax, ecx ; y - i mul dword [ ebp + 20 ] ; (y - i) * size add eax, dword [ ebp + 12 ] ; (y - i) * size + x sub eax, ecx ; (y - i) * size + x - i mov esi, [ ebp + 8 ] ; a cmp byte [esi + eax ], byte 0 je .n_if_5 ; return 0 mov eax, 0 jmp .return .n_if_5: inc ecx ; i++ jmp .while_3 .n_while_3: mov ecx, 1 ; i = 1 ; while(x + i < size && y + i < size) .while_4: mov eax, dword [ ebp + 12 ] ; x add eax, ecx; ; x + i cmp eax, [ ebp + 20 ] jge .n_while_4 mov eax, dword [ ebp + 16 ] ; y add eax, ecx ; y + i cmp eax, [ ebp + 20 ] jge .n_while_4 ; if(a[(y + i) * size + (x + i)]) mov eax, dword [ ebp + 16 ] ; y add eax, ecx ; y + i mul dword [ ebp + 20 ] ; (y + i) * size add eax, dword [ ebp + 12 ] ; (y + i) * size + x add eax, ecx ; (y + i) * size + x + i mov esi, [ ebp + 8 ] ; a cmp byte [esi + eax ], byte 0 je .n_if_6 ; return 0 mov eax, 0 jmp .return .n_if_6: inc ecx ; i++ jmp .while_4 .n_while_4: ; return 1 mov eax, 1 .return: pop edx pop esi pop ecx leave ret