Depth first search
Depth first search

Depth-first search is a graph traversal algorithm, which has a very wide application area. This algorithm may be used for finding out number of components of a graph, topological order of its nodes or detection of cycles.


In its recursive form, the algorithm starts at an arbitrary node N and marks it as open, processes it, and then calls itself on all newly discovered descendants of N. After returning back from recursion, the algorithm marks the node N as closed.

Using this simple procedure, all branches of the graph are processed to their maximum depth.


Provided all nodes and edges can be accessed randomly, the asymptotic complexity of depth-first search is O(|E| + |V|), because all edges and vertices are visited exactly once.


     * Not discovered node
    private static final int FRESH = 0;
     * Open node
    private static final int OPEN = 1;
     * Closed node
    private static final int CLOSED = 2;

     * Recursive form of depth-first search
     * @param graph
    public static void depthFirstSearch(GraphIface graph) {
        //node states
        int[] state = new int[graph.getVertexCount()];

        for (int i = 0; i < state.length; i++) {
            state[i] = FRESH;
        //perform depth first search of all connected components
        for (int i = 0; i < graph.getVertexCount(); i++) {
            if (state[i] == FRESH) {
                doDFS(graph, i, state);

     * Perform depth-first search
     * @param graph graph
     * @param vertexNr node identifier
     * @param state array of node states
    private static void doDFS(GraphIface graph, int vertexNr, int[] state) {
        state[vertexNr] = OPEN;
        List<GraphNodeIface> succ = graph.getNode(vertexNr).getSuccessors();
        for (GraphNodeIface n : succ) {
            if (state[n.getId()] == FRESH) {
                doDFS(graph, n.getId(), state);
        state[vertexNr] = CLOSED;

     * Defines basic interface for a generic graph
     * @author Pavel Micka
    public interface GraphIface<ENTITY> {

         * Add an edge to a graph
         * @param from source node
         * @param to target node
        public void addEdge(int from, int to);

         * Get number of edges in the graph 
         * @return number of edges in the graph
        public int getEdgeCount();

         * Return vertex (node) with the given identifier
         * @param id
         * @return
        public GraphNodeIface getNode(int id);

         * Return total number of nodes (vertices)
         * @return total number of nodes (vertices)
        public int getVertexCount();

         * Remove the edge
         * @param from source node
         * @param to target node
        public void removeEdge(int from, int to);

         * Defines basic interface for a node of a graph
         * @param <ENTITY>
        public interface GraphNodeIfac<ENTITY> {

             * @return the id
            public int getId();

             * @return the successors
            public List<GraphNodeIface> getSuccessors();

             * @return the value
            public ENTITY getValue();

             * @param value the value to set
            public void setValue(ENTITY value);


  • KOLÁŘ, Josef. Teoretická informatika. 2nd edition. Praha : Česká informatická společnost, 2004. 205 p. ISBN 80-900853-8-5.

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